Sign up for paperless eBilling by logging in here and editing your profile. To view your payment options, visit our corporate website.

Don't let a postal disruption delay your bill!

Sign up for paperless eBilling to receive your bills directly in your inbox. Learn how to sign up for ebilling.

MyUtilities Login

Need an Account?

Registering a MyUtilities account gives you access to your account details and allows you to:

  • View your household consumption of water, gas, and electricity, as well as your transaction and payment history.
  • See how temperatures affect your gas and electricity use and heating costs.
  • Manage costs by shifting electricity use to off-peak periods.
  • Compare your water and energy usage to similar households.
  • Sign up for eBilling.

To get started, you'll need your account number and the amount of the most recent payment you made to us.

Before you can register, ensure you've made at least one payment on the account.

Important note: After registering, it may take up to 24 hours before your bill details and balances will be available.